Blog Design – Single e-Learning Lesson Over time as the popularity of my full blog design course grew, I began to break my course into individual lessons. Not every teacher needed the full course, and breaking my course into single e-learning lessons allowed me to more easily tailor the content to my clients’ individual needs. […]
Category: Professional Development
Publishing Site Tutorial Video I made many tutorial videos for my blog professional development course. This is one video that I have also isolated as a separate quick tutorial. Sometimes my clients just need a quick overview on how to publish their teaching blogs, so I will provide them with this video. Over the years,
Blog Content Decision Maker The biggest problem I observed in my clients was that teachers were feeling overwhelmed at how to create a teaching blog from scratch. The amount of content required by administration coupled with an unfamiliarity with technology was daunting to so many of my clients. My background in English Education came in
Designing a Teaching Blog – Professional Development Course One of the first successes I had in teaching came from my blog. Teaching blogs have become increasingly popular over the past decade, and now they are considered an essential part of the job. I have always loved technology and originally had designs to be an online
Designing a Teaching Blog Professional Development – Full CourseRead More »